Exterior House Painters, Raleigh, NC

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Let our exterior house painters transform your Raleigh home with results you’ll enjoy for years to come.

When you need to hire exterior house painters for your Raleigh, North Carolina home, the last thing you want is to end up with a team that doesn’t do a good job and you end up having to do it again in just a few months because you don’t like the results or the durability. It may seem like exterior painting is something anyone can do, but it really does take dedication, experience, and integrity to give you the results you want.

Exterior House Painters in Raleigh, North Carolina

You can count on complete satisfaction when you have our exterior house painters at Prep-Rite Painting do the work for you.

Our process has been fine-tuned over our more than 17 years in business and quite a bit of experience even before that. We chose our name because we understand that even the highest quality paint cannot deliver a lasting result if careful attention isn’t done during the prep stage. We put in the time and effort to make sure the paint properly adheres to the surface, so that the quality products we use deliver on their promises.

Another part of the prep work is protecting your landscaping and other areas that won’t be painted, as well as moving any outdoor items out of harm’s way. After all, you want the house painted, not your patio furniture, welcome mat, stained deck or potted plants. On a side note, however, we do deck and concrete staining if you need that as well.

We don’t consider your painting project complete until you’ve looked over the work our exterior house painters have done and put your seal of approval on it. If you would like to know more about our services and how we work to build lasting relationships with our customers, don’t hesitate to contact us.

FAQs about Exterior House Painters

At Prep-Rite Painting, we believe that an informed customer is our best customer. We are always happy to share our knowledge so that you can get the best experience and results from your painting project. As experienced exterior house painters with more than 24 years of experience, we are confident we can address any questions you might have. Here are a few of the most common questions we have been asked over the years:

Can exterior house painters work all through the year?
Today’s products are far less finicky than those of the past in terms of ideal environmental conditions. With that said, we do have to be cognizant of the temperature to achieve successful drying. A consistent temperature at least a few degrees above freezing is necessary, as well as having no rain in the forecast. Other than that, our exterior house painters can work more of the year than you might expect.
Are there special precautions that exterior house painters face with older homes?
Yes, especially in terms of the surface preparation. An older home could have been painted with paint with lead in it, for example, which requires proper protective equipment during sanding or scraping, as well as care during the cleanup of the dust and debris. Rest assured that we follow all safety protocols to keep our team and your family safe.
How often should I have my home painted?
There are many contributing factors that go into this determination. The type of siding you have, the weather conditions, the quality of the paint used, and the talent of the exterior house painters all factor in. We can give you a better idea when we see your home as it could fall anywhere in the range of every 3 years to every 15 years.

At Prep-Rite Painting, our exterior house painters proudly serve Raleigh, Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, Fuquay-Varina, Chapel Hill, Garner, Pittsboro, Wake Forest, Cary Park, Twelve Oaks, and Durham, North Carolina.