Let our expert exterior painters handle freshening up the outside of your home or business.
Sometimes, exterior painting is seen as easier, because if you drip a little paint on your grass, it isn’t the end of the world. However, there are environmental unknowns and factors that can make exterior painting a real challenge. Don’t get a headache trying to take care of this difficult job by yourself. Call us here at Prep-Rite Painting and let our team of expert exterior painters take all your stress away. Some of the things that make exterior painting such a challenge are completely out of your control – like the weather and the dirt and debris that is always present outside.
As experienced expert painters, we know that there are several factors that go into the success of your painting:
- Products used: Some paint is better than others (and it is usually more expensive). With all the environmental stress of the outdoors (think sun exposure, rain, hail, and seasonal temperature extremes), it is crucial that a superior product is used on the outside of your home or business. We always use environmentally friendly, top-of-the-line products for a great result.
- Surface preparation: Our prep work always includes thoroughly washing the surface of your home before applying a new coat of paint. Preparing the surface ensures a good bond, better protecting your property in Apex, North Carolina and allowing the paint to last longer.
- How paint is applied: There is a right way to apply paint, and with over 17 years of experience, you can be sure we will do it correctly.
Call today if you need exterior painters to provide a free estimate and to learn more about us here at Prep-Rite Painting.
At Prep-Rite Painting, our exterior painters proudly serve Raleigh, Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, Fuquay-Varina, Chapel Hill, Garner, Pittsboro, Wake Forest, Cary Park, Twelve Oaks, and Durham, North Carolina.